Will the future of journalism via robots?

In December last year, a report published by the Nomura Research Institute (NRI) with the help of Oxford University created astonishing results. It has been said that Robot will work 49 percent of the workplace in Japan for the next 10 to 20 years. It is further reported that in the future office clerks, bank teller, security personnel, supermarkets shopkeepers, train operators, various food delivery boys, cleaners, and many more common tasks can be done with robots. The news has told the Indian IT publicity PC Quest in India.

But everything can not be done with robots. In the report, some professionals, such as doctors and health care workers, painters, musicians, actors, critics, lawyers, teachers, photographer, TV broadcasters, authors, have no option of robots. But interestingly, the NRI report did not mention that the robot will be given the job of journalism, but it has not been mentioned. It is not possible to swear that the technology progressed, the robots present there today and people will not occupy the position of journalists.

We are living in an era where automotive and high-end engineering and medical sectors are not limited. It has now also got place in journalism. Journalism can become a field where robots will be used to produce quantitative issues of journalism.

It is no doubt that robots do not seem to be so fictional about the journalism that it is becoming part of our lives in the next day.

We may already know, Associate Press (AP) WordSmith Software automatically generates college-based sports reports on their own. The software has created a company called North Carolina Automated Insights. APO has invested in creating this software.

WORDSHITH SOFTWARE CREATES REPORTS through special algorithms or computer languages. Through the same software, AP has started creating reports based on the quarterly earnings report of various corporate organizations. In the meantime, the news agency Associate Press has announced that they will use Worms with this work. As a result, they will be able to write reports about 4,400 corporate earnings reports every three months, which is 10 times more than a person.

Not only the AP, many Western news organizations have begun experimenting with robot journalism. Computer programming is increasing day by day for news reporting and multimedia presentation.

According to the prefix, artificial intelligence and robots will be able to understand the already programmed work by analyzing information from the huge database. So it is very easy to say, regular government announcements, all the statistics, press release reports will go to artificial intelligence and robot. On the other hand, people will have investigative reports, deep analyzes and rich news and stories about human emotion.

The reason behind the lack of use of artificial intelligence in analytical report is that a human reporter will be able to understand the structural and new economic curves completely, as the robot of artificial intelligence will not be able to do.

People are losing their jobs in different areas of the world due to automation. But in the case of journalism it is different. The automotive reporter will be released from the trouble of complex calculations, statistics etc. rather. However, AI robots can become a new challenge for journalists, while the AI ​​technology will start to sound nicely, with editorial, comparative analysis and people's interesting news. But do not forget, people once created machines with espionage and technology, through which many hidden messages were recovered, in which people suffered a lot. So in the future, the machines, that is, the robots will ease the burden of their work from the shoulders of men.

Recently, a robot reporter from China, Shia Nan, wrote a document for the first time in the Chinese Metropolis Daily in China Media. The machine wrote a 300-word report about the returning of Chinese passengers to the spring vacation. To celebrate New Year in China, a large number of people return home from this city.

This robot has been created by Professor Wen Siazun of Peking University, who is working on producing artificial intelligence equipment.

As much as the robot's artificial intelligence is created, the motivation and emotions of humans will not be found in it. Although it is said in today's day, artificial intelligence in some areas will also suppress human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has already learned chess, Japanese cheeses and insect plays and these games are also winning.

Finally, we can agree on one topic that artificial intelligence will help journalists to highlight a relevant point of view by analyzing large information on various investigative work. As well as the technology will increase the efficiency of the News Room. Whether journalism will become stronger by artificial intelligence, we will know in the near future.


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