Android on the iPhone!

Developer Nick Leigh has a reputation. She loves to run 'bizarre' tests. And he is more than just a product of Apple's products. Prior to that, Nick was on the Windows 95 operating system by nick.

Now he has done another impossible task. The Android operating system operated on iPhone. Apple's devices run Apple's own operating system in iOS.

It's easy to run Android operating on iPhone. This will only require a specially made 3D printed phone case.

To make the impossible possible, Nick has created a clone of the Android Open Source Project (AOP) and has created a custom version of its Android Mashmallow. The Varke, a technical website, said.

Niche's iPhone-shaped 3D printed phone case has a board, battery, boost converter and a resistor. The phone code that was first made was quite heavy. That's why he started reducing weight by creating a 3D printed case.

The phone case comes to the right size of the iPhone by reducing weight and making the case more slim. Then this phone case was added to HDMI, USB ports and SD card slots. And in the case before putting the iPhone a thin plastic was placed there.

Developer Nick Lee has bundled the Android operating system in iPhone through Tennedy Application. This Tennedy app has been created by Nick's company. The Brooklyn-based company works with mobile design and development.

Nick said that he took a long time to complete the whole process. But it has been experimentally tested. Android Android operating system can not be used as an Android phone.


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