Google's strategy to find the right information quickly.
Finding Google's findings in the current world is difficult to find. Although Yahoo or Microsoft Bing is the closest competitor, Google is now the most popular search engine. Every time we search a lot in Google, but always find the desired answer? To find useful information by Google search, we are sharing some tips and tricks here that will help you find the desired topic.
Find information within specific websites
Want to find information on a particular website? Many times, the built-in search feature in websites is not very good at all. Enter Google in the address to find out which site: site address
Example: If you want to find all the information about the iPhone in BanglaTech website, then search it by typing in the iphone site:
Find a specific topic
You can use quotes if you want to find information about specific topics. For example, if you search by Amazon Echo review, Google will show you 37 million results. And if you search for "Amazon Echo review" then it will show you more than 1,28,000 results.
Topic specifications
Think you want to find jaguar car. If you search only by jaguar then you will see Jaguar's animal related links / pictures. That's why you have to specify the car. In that case, search by jaguar -car.
To get cash saved on Google (any site)
Google reserves the cache of various web pages. Although those sites are closed on the server / pages are deleted, but those pages can be viewed from Google cache for a certain time. The old version of the site can be seen by visiting Google Cash on the site of the online site. To view Google Cash, write Cache before entering the address of the site and search Google for all. You can get lucky if the site / page is Google cache.
Example: cache: http: //
Besides, search results will be displayed on Google by clicking on the triangle in the right-hand side of the green link and clicking the cached content of that address.
Fixed format file
Specify the file format to find a specific format file. For example, if you want to find a PowerPoint file for a topic, specify the type of file, Laptop Computer filetype: ppt
Find pictures with pictures
To find images using Google Images, first you have to go to the Google Images page by clicking the Images link at the top of the Google home / search page. Upload a picture by drag-and-drop or camera by clicking on the marked button and you will see a picture similar to the image you uploaded. Whenever any search result is displayed, the images will be found by clicking on the images at the top of the page. But this is not always the right information to show you.
Find similar websites
You can use the related term to find similar websites.
Eg related:
Calculator / Currency / Definition
You can use Google's search bar directly as a calculator. As you type 505 * 50, you can find 505 and 50 numbers of products.
And if you search for $ 50 to bdt then how many Bangladeshi money is available at that time in 50 dollars.
To define something before decrying it, define the search. For example, define computer
Hope the tips will help you find the fastest and accurate information in Google. If you want to share tips and tricks you have requested to comment.
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