Sensible information can be kept secret. HOW!
Generally security is very important for the bank's credit card information, important passwords, or any sensitive information that is not inadvertently handled by others. With the third party (third party) software, it can be done to hide the information. But using Windows Command Prompt can easily ensure information security. What to Do? Write the information that you want to hide at the beginning, in a Notepad Text file or Word document. To start the Windows command prompt, press Win key + R simultaneously and press Run. Press cmd here and press enter. When the command prompt starts, type at the command line F: (here F: hard disk drive) and press Enter. If you want the name of any drive you like, you can put the file there. Now type the notepad technologyletter.txt: frdsmn.txt in the next command and hit enter. Here's the note, write the name that you want to put in the next part of the notepad, and write the secret name of the file in the next part of the text. Her...